Meet your Valentine at a fine hotel! Every 5 minutes you meet a new potential friend or romantic partner. Dress to impress. Wear something RED, if possible, in honor of Valentines Day. Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 7-9pm. Speed Dating with 2 age groups for men and 2 age groups for women. Ages 40+ to 60 […]
Celebrate 2025 at a fine hotel! DJ Mike will play Top 40 dance tunes – your favorites from the past and all the LATEST HITS! Adults of all ages welcome. Tuesday, December 31, 2024, 8pm-1am. DISCOUNT TICKETS: $75 VIP (Includes VIP seating and a Raffle ticket) $45 General Advance (No reserved seating and raffle tickets) […]
LUCKY Friday the 13th Christmas Party
Celebrate the holidays with new single friends on LUCKY Friday the 13th! Adults of all ages welcome. Festive holiday attire requested. Friday, Dec 13, 2024, 7-9pm. DISCOUNT TICKETS: $15/early birds or $20/regular price includes a FUN Mixer Game, that makes it EASY to meet people; accompanied by appetizers, served at 7pm, as long as they […]
Celebrate the Holidays with new single friends! Party includes complimentary light appetizers, served at 7pm, as long as they last; plus a FUN Mixer Game, which makes it easy to meet people. Festive holiday attire recommended. Adults of all ages welcome. Friday, December 6, 2024, 7-9pm. DISCOUNT TICKETS: $15/early birds; $20/regular price. LOCATION: Avatar Hotel […]
BEST OF THE BACHELORS Party for Women Wh...
Once a year the single women of France invite the finest bachelors they know, with whom they are NOT romantically involved (father, son, brother, ex-husband, neighbor, co-worker, friend) to a party. That’s how you get the finest eligible men in a community together under one roof at the same time! Tonight we bring this charming […]
Meet Young Unattached Professionals (YUPs), 25-45, from all over the world, who now find their home in the Silicon Valley! Long-time Bay Area singles are encouraged to make newcomers feel welcome at this fun party at a stylish hotel! Dress to impress. Friday, November 1, 2024, 7-9pm. DISCOUNT TICKETS: $15/early birds or $20/regular price at […]
Meet new single friends, 5 minutes at a time, at a fine hotel! Dress to impress. Wednesday, Oct 16, 2024, 7-9pm. DISCOUNT TICKETS: $30/Advance $35/Door $20 Special for Young Women (prepaid only)! We request that everyone purchase at least one drink. LOCATION: The Domain, 1085 E El Camino Real, Sunnyvale CA. CO-SPONSORED by Your Asian […]
We are the official sponsor of National Singles Week, Sep 15-21, 2024. Kick the week off at our most popular event in the Silicon Valley! We combine Wine Tasting and Speed Dating at the same party! Come and Meet Upscale Singles at the beautiful Regale Winery, featuring manicured gardens and a beautiful view of the […]
Meet new friends with a Doctorate or Masters Degree at this fun party at a classy venue! Only $10/advance (by July 5) or $15/door includes a FUN Mixer Game, which makes it EASY to meet new friends; accompanied by light appetizers, served at 7pm, as long as they last. Adults of all ages welcome. Dress […]
Celebrate Summer a little early at beautiful Regale Winery, featuring manicured gardens and a beautiful view of the coastal mountains! This is a lovely Estate & Vineyard with parking for all. Enjoy both outdoors and indoors. Prepare yourself for a wonderful and romantic evening. Adults of all ages are welcome! Saturday, June 8, 2024, 5-9pm. […]