Tonight we combine two of our favorite party themes for the first time: House Party and Speed Dating! Meet Professional Singles at a spacious home, featuring appetizers, icebreaker and Speed Dating. Saturday, Sep 28, 2024, 4-8pm. DRESS TO IMPRESS: These gatherings are for attractive single professionals who are serious about finding their ideal match. PROFILE […]
Singles Day in the East Bay – FREE Admis
Celebrate being single at the East Bay’s largest singles event of 2024! Admission is completely FREE! However, we kindly ask that you RSVP to secure your spot. Dance to your favorite hits outdoors with two live DJs, Jade Mix and Johnny Towers! Party indoors as well at this fun waterfront restaurant/pub with terrific view! Food […]
HAWAII DINNER/DANCE at Private Home in A...
Aloha! We’re going to have a great time at our annual Hawaiian Party on Sherman Street in Alameda! Saturday, August 24, 2024, 7-11pm. Previously scheduled for a different city. Featuring Ice-Breaker Game, Dance Class, Complimentary Lei for 1st 40 people, DJ dancing to your favorite hits throughout the evening. Ice-Breaker Split into 2 Age Groups: […]
Meet new friends at a beautiful waterfront restaurant! Only $10/advance (by August 9) or $15/door includes a FUN Mixer Game, which makes it EASY to meet people; accompanied by complimentary appetizers, served at 7pm, as long as they last. Adults of all ages welcome. Dress to impress. Saturday, August 10, 2024, 7-9pm. LOCATION: Quinn’s Lighthouse, […]
Meet new single friends at one of our favorite hotels! Only $7/advance (by June 28) or $10 at the door includes light appetizers, served at 7pm, as long as they last; plus a FUN Mixer Game, with prizes, that makes it EASY to meet new friends. Adults of all ages welcome. Dress to impress. Saturday, […]
Celebrate Spring with new single friends! Only $10 at the door includes delicious and ample appetizers; plus a Mixer Game, which makes it EASY to meet new friends. Adults of all ages welcome. Dress to impress. Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 7-9pm. Complimentary Appetizers are served throughout the event: Queijo Assado-Fire-roasted Brazilian cheese, Malagueta honey Spiced […]